TOKAI RIKA manufactures and supplies human interface technologies including control systems and components that accurately relay human commands. To do this, the company relies heavily on Open Source and Artificial Intelligence (AI). TOKAI RIKA produces a wide array of technologies — including ergonomic, input-sensing security devices, steer-by-steer wire systems, digital keys, mirrors, connectors, switches, seatbelts, shift levers and other electronic car parts— to help create a more affluent society. Top-class customers include Toyota — the largest automobile company in the world — as well as Ford, Mitsubishi, Subaru, GM, Mazda, Nissan, Volvo and other brands. Established in Japan more than 70 years ago, the 20,000-employee company operates worldwide offices in Belgium, Canada, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Thailand, and the United States.

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