
Cyber Security Patent Lawsuits on The Rise and The Need for Shared Innovation in Cyber Security

October 26, 2020 — The impact of COVID-19 is far reaching in areas many people don’t even think about. Consider Internet and cybercrime. Numbers are

The 8th Expansion of the Linux System Definition Protects exFAT and Android ASOP 10

October 15, 2020 — Today one of the top stories in Japan was OIN’s announcement. OSDN Magazine writes about how OIN added Open Source projects

The OIN Linux System Definition Now Includes ExFAT

October 14, 2020 — Our announcement that exFAT is now part of the Linux System Definition continues to make international headlines as “big news” in

Non-Aggression Patents Now Cover Android and exFAT

October 14, 2020 — The SempreUpdate in Brazil covered our Linux System Definition expansion taking a bit of a different angle to focus on the

Linux Patent Protection Program Includes 520 New Packages

October 13, 2020 — OIN has made international headlines, including as far away as Russia.’s article, “Linux Patent Protection Program Includes 520 New Packages,”

Open Invention Network Announces Continued Expansion of its Open Source Patent Non-Aggression Zone

exFAT, Hyperledger, Hadoop, Android AOSP 10 and Robot OS are among the new software packages now included under the protective umbrella of the Linux System

2024-07-15T16:20:09-04:00Press Releases|

OIN: Safeguarding an IT Community Increasingly Reliant on Open-Source Technologies and Platforms Anchored by Linux Servers

Oct. 5, 2020 —  COVID-19 has impacted virtually everyone and every business across the globe. It has presented new challenges. And it has introduced new complications.

2020-11-02T10:06:56-05:00Media Coverage|
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