OIN’s portfolio consists of 36 global patents and applications.

In addition to the Linux System community cross-license (in a community which owns over 3 million patents and applications in total), OIN also purchases and develops our own strategic portfolio. In other words, members also gain royalty-free access to 36 OIN-owned patents and applications across various technology segments and geographies.

Welcome to our Newest Members!

Fresenius Medical Care | OIN community member
China Telecom | OIN Community Member
CIBC | OIN Community Member
RSM | OIN Community Member
Liberty Mutual | OIN Community Member
Anker Innovations | OIN Community Member
Citizens Bank | OIN Community Member

Companies building products using open source technologies must help protect open source communities from threats posed by abusers of low quality patents.We applaud the innovative approach taken by the OS Zone and call on other companies to support solutions that protect open source innovation from targeted threats.
MicrosoftJustin Colannino, Associate General Counsel for Open Source at Microsoft

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