SUSE has appointed Andrew McDonald, Chief Legal Officer & Company Secretary, to join the OIN Board.

Andrew shares his insights in helping OIN achieve its mission & vision.

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Around the World

India — with a large talent pool & growing domestic market — has the potential to be a major player in the $300 billion AI industry.

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OIN Headlines

In Bareos GmbH & Co. KG’s blog, Frank Kohler, VP of Marketing, identifies the Top 3 Reasons the company joins OIN & how the firm’s beliefs align with OIN’s mission.

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Welcome New Members

Formosa Plastics Corp. is the world’s 6th largest chemicals company and is the largest PVC resin manufacturer in the world & the largest conglomerate headquartered in Taiwan. Products include PVC resins, VCM, caustic soda, hydrochloric acid, MBS, HDPE, EVA/LDP, & LLDPE.

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OIN Member News

Google releases Gemma — a family of Open Source AI models built on Gemini — which can be used for “responsible commercial usage and distribution for all organizations, regardless of size” by giving developers free access to some of Google’s newest research.

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Upcoming Events

Attend IPBC China to engage in lively discussions and gain valuable insights into cutting-edge strategies for value creation and the management of your intangible assets in China, April 16-18th in Shenzhen, China.

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