OIN’s primary offering is our FREE Community Membership. OIN also offers 4 additional products & services related to Open Source and patent non-aggression.
OIN Patent Non-Aggression Community Membership
There are many benefits for members of our community. You can find a summary of the key benefits here.
Sharing Prior Art
OIN leverages our network of relationships in the greater Open Source community to collect and share prior art in order to permit OIN licensees at risk, or in litigation, to better defend against Linux-centric patent aggression.
OIN Patent Acquisitions & Threat Clearing
In certain circumstances, OIN may acquire patents from patent antagonists asserting patents in situations where the acquisition provides a broad-based clearing of patent threats to OIN community members.
OIN Reduces Patent Application Claim Scope
OIN routinely utilizes the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (AIA) (defined below) pre-issuance submission program to submit prior art to limit the claim scope — or secure outright rejection — of overly broad patent claims in patent applications that are focused on key technology areas relevant to Linux and adjacent Open Source technologies.
The Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (AIA) is a U.S. federal statute passed by Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama on September 16, 2011. The law represents the most significant legislative change to the U.S. patent system since the Patent Act of 1952 and closely resembles previously proposed legislation in the Senate with the Patent Reform Act of 2009.
Named for its lead sponsors, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX), the Act switches the U.S. patent system from a “first to invent” to a “first inventor to file” system, eliminates interference proceedings and develops post-grant opposition. Its central provisions went into effect on September 16, 2012 and on March 16, 2013.
We believe the protection OIN offers the open source community helps increase global contributions to and adoption of open source technologies. We are honored to stand with OIN as an active participant in its program to protect against patent aggression in core Linux and other important OSS technologies.
At the time of OIN’s founding, open source was nascent, and most software was built in silos. During the past 15 years, we have been pleased to watch the OIN community grow from 6 members to more than 3,300. The OIN community’s powerful cross license has enabled businesses to safely develop and sell innovative new systems and platforms that have revolutionized the way the world conducts business.
Bilibili is a diverse, open, and innovative cultural platform. All the time, we are committed to opening and sharing technologies and providing positive motivation in the innovation field of playback transmission, interactive entertainment, and cloud-native ecology through open source projects. Linux System software and open source technologies are important software infrastructures that promote business developments. Our participation in the OIN community demonstrates our consistent and ongoin… Read more
KDDI is committed to offering high-quality telecommunication service and a variety of IoT service, including vehicle telematics, smart meters and others. Linux and open source are critical elements in technologies which we are developing aimed at such services. By joining the Open Invention Network, we are demonstrating our continued commitment to innovation, and supporting it with patent non-aggression in Linux.
OIN protects the open-source community through a patent cross-license for Linux and related open-source technologies. The license is free and available to companies, organizations, and individual developers if they agree not to assert their own patents against Linux.
Linux and open source are critical elements in today’s mobile, cloud and enterprise computing environments. By joining the Open Invention Network, we are helping ensure the ongoing development of open solutions that promote market growth in key lines of business.
Companies building products using open source technologies must help protect open source communities from threats posed by abusers of low quality patents.We applaud the innovative approach taken by the OS Zone and call on other companies to support solutions that protect open source innovation from targeted threats.
Although TAIYO YUDEN does not directly incorporate open source software in our products, our customers do, and it is important for us to support open source initiatives that are critical to the continued success of our clients.
As a licensee, we’ll have access to OIN resources in case we’re threatened by operating entities with patents.
Today, with open source software, we are quickly creating robust and long-lasting solutions for our customers. In addition to the technical implementation, we also take care that our customers do not worry about potential license violations.
Join the OIN Community
Membership is FREE and the process is simple. We welcome all individuals & companies who advocate for Open Source and are focused on reducing risk from the threats of patent aggressors.