OIN’s primary offering is our FREE Community Membership. OIN also offers 4 additional products & services related to Open Source and patent non-aggression.

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SVP Worldwide | OIN Community Member
VDL Groupe BV | OIN Community Member
China Mobile Limited | OIN Community Member
Fresenius Medical Care | OIN community member
China Telecom | OIN Community Member
CIBC | OIN Community Member
RSM | OIN Community Member

This move (regarding Huawei’s OIN membership demonstrates that joining OIN has become a no-brainer for any product company. Setting aside the patent trolls, who would never have an incentive to join, no one is asserting patents against Linux anymore. Waging a patent war against a popular open-source project like Linux is bad for business. Of course, the OIN definition of Linux is far broader than the kernel. Even so, the OIN pool protects the basic infrastructure of the web, and no serious pro… Read more
Heather MeekerPartnerO'Melveny & Myers

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Membership is FREE and the process is simple. We welcome all individuals & companies who advocate for Open Source and are focused on reducing risk from the threats of patent aggressors.

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