Insights & Reflections

Freedom to participate in open source projects and adopt Linux and other open source code has been enabled through broad based participation in the OIN cross-license, which has become a litmus test for authenticity in the open source community. Joining the OIN community demonstrates an explicit recognition among signatories of a commitment to open source technologies and the set of norms required around the appropriate use of patents in an increasingly open source-centric world.  Companies that do not sign the OIN license and refuse to participate in this rapidly growing community are explicitly or implicitly reserving the right to use their patents to litigate on core Linux and OSS functionality.

Keith Bergelt, CEO

Open Invention Network

Open Invention Network is a unique organization. For 15 years, it has protected the Linux and open source community from patent aggression, while fostering a community that understands that value of shared technological development. It has been an honor to have worked with the OIN team, and fellow OIN Board members, to plan and implement the strategic initiatives that have provided protection for open source.

Tim Kowalski, Chairman of the Board of Directors

Welcome to our Newest Members!

Fresenius Medical Care | OIN community member
China Telecom | OIN Community Member
CIBC | OIN Community Member
RSM | OIN Community Member
Liberty Mutual | OIN Community Member
Citizens Bank | OIN Community Member

Open source technology, especially Linux, has led to profound increases in capabilities across a number of key industries, while increasing overall product and service efficiency. By joining Open Invention Network, we are demonstrating our continued commitment to innovation, and supporting it with patent non-aggression in Linux.  
Hideki SanatakeExecutive Officer, Deputy Group Executive of Corporate Intellectual Properties & LegalCanon

Since its inception 15 years ago, OIN has provided unprecedented protection to enable the incredible growth and adoption of Linux and other related open source software around the world. As the OIN community has grown to over 4,000+ members and the Linux definition has matured, that protection has only grown stronger. IBM and Red Hat have been two of the leading proponents and drivers of Linux and open source software for over 20 years and have been founding members of OIN since its inception. Today, IBM and Red Hat continue to share with OIN a deep and unwavering commitment to scale Linux and open source innovation providing flexibility, choice and leadership for the industry.

Ken King

General Manager, OpenPower

OIN Founding Company | Red Hat + IBM

Google has been a proud member of OIN since joining the community in 2007. Linux and adjacent open source software power the cloud-based services of today and tomorrow. Throughout, OIN has been there to ensure that open source remains safe for users, consumers, and developers alike to consume and upon which to build.

Chris DiBona

Director of Open Source

Google | OIN Community Member

Global adoption of Linux and other open source technologies is an irreversible trend. For the last 15 years, they have transformed almost every industry. By sharing innovation, Linux and open source capabilities have soared, application interoperability is unprecedented, connectivity is virtually everywhere, while business and consumer productivity are at all-time highs. By blocking patent aggression in open source, OIN has enabled safer investments in product development and helped to enable these innovations.

Hirotake Konda

Deputy General Manager of IP Management Division & Department Manager of Licensing Department , NEC

Jackson Chen

Senior Associate General Counsel, NECAM

Over its history, the automotive industry has undergone periods of significant innovation. We are now undergoing a fundamental shift in the way automotive platforms are used by consumers and businesses. Automotive Grade Linux and other OSS projects are helping the industry rapidly transform. By protecting them from patent risk, OIN has enabled automotive manufacturers to effectively integrate new kinds of software-based technologies into cars.

Yosuke Iida

General Manager of Intellectual Property Division

Toyota | OIN Member

Linux is the largest undertaking of shared innovation in our planet’s history. The OSS community has written and shared billions of lines of code that have transformed the way businesses operate and consumers live. We congratulate OIN for its 15 years, during which it has provided a protective shield against patent aggression. We encourage all open source contributors and users to join OIN and demonstrate their commitment to a safe environment for continued growth in Linux and other OSS projects.

Jim Zemlin

Executive Director

Philips is proud to be a founder of the Open Invention Network. Over the years, OSS has been an important building block for many of our businesses and is increasingly important for the medical and health tech industries. OSS enables faster development of monitoring, imaging, diagnostic, and informatic platforms, while driving down costs. With more than 4,000+ community members, OIN is ensuring that OSS innovation continues its rapid pace, in a safe environment enabled by licensing.

Jako Eleveld

Head of IP Licensing

Philips | OIN Community Member

Alibaba and Ant congratulate Open Invention Network on this impressive milestone. OIN has taken a leadership role and worked tirelessly to improve intellectual property protection for Linux system and open source software. Alibaba and Ant look forward to continued partnership with OIN and the international open source community to foster innovation and reduce IP risks.

Roger Shang

Senior Legal Director

Alibaba Group | OIN Community Member

Benjamin Bai

VP of Intellectual Property

ANT Group

At the time of OIN’s founding, open source was nascent, and most software was built in silos. During the past 15 years, we have been pleased to watch the OIN community grow from 6 members to more than 4,000+, The OIN community’s powerful cross license has enabled businesses to safely develop and sell innovative new systems and platforms that have revolutionized the way the world conducts business.

Peter Toto

Senior VP, IP Counsel

As a global leader in open source, SUSE enables innovation from the largest data centers in the world to cloud environments, and our technology is embedded in every day devices like cars, points of sale and MRIs. Open source infrastructure is the power behind the cloud and digital transformation, and our customers rely on us for mission critical business outcomes and for innovation. As a leader in bringing open source solutions to enterprises, including enterprise Linux, we see firsthand why Linux is the number one platform for cloud, embedded devices and high-speed containers at the edge. Open source is one of the fastest growing markets in the industry, in part, due to the protection afforded by the OIN, which we are a proud active member for years, and its patent non-aggression community.

Thomas Di Giacomo

President of Engineering & Innovation

By fostering the largest patent non-aggression community in history, OIN has protected core Linux and a broad array of FOSS technologies from patent aggression. We have worked together for the past 15 years, with the goal that FOSS would grow unimpeded by patent risks, and we have largely succeeded. OIN has made a transformational difference. I look forward to working with Keith and OIN as it creatively faces new challenges in the next decade.

Eben Moglen

Director-Counsel & Chairman

OIN has created a safe space of innovation in a world which has become increasingly dependent on Linux and open source software technologies. Participation in the OIN community has enabled Microsoft to further enhance our partnerships with developers around the world.

Jennifer Yokoyama

Vice President and Chief IP Counsel

Microsoft | OIN Member