
\"The Eclipse Project is an open source software development projectdedicated to providing a robust, full-featured, commercial-quality,industry platform for the development of highly integrated tools. It iscomposed of three subprojects, Platform, JDT - Java development tools,and PDE - Plug-in development environment. The success of the EclipsePlatform depends on how well it enables a wide range of tool buildersto build best of breed integrated tools.\"
Current version: 3.1.1


Effective Date Table ID Version Download URL Project URL Version URL
2024-08-26 12 4.2.1 download project version
2022-03-31 11 4.2.1 download project version
2020-12-22 10 4.2.1 download project version
2019-01-17 9 4.2.1 download project version
2017-07-13 8 4.2.1 download project version
2015-06-25 7 4.2.1 download project version
2014-03-07 6 4.2.1 download project version
2013-09-10 5 4.2.1 download project version
2012-10-31 4 3.7.1 download project version
2012-05-01 3 3.7.1 download project version
2005-11-08 2 3.1.1 download project version